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Thread: Really odd commission, ethical dilemma.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Really odd commission, ethical dilemma.

    Hmmm, so I've had a commission off a guy who wants a ring with the words "volk" and "sippe" in runic lettering on it, after doing a bit of research i seem to be coming up with a lot of Nazi occult symbology, specifically linked with the emblems worn by the ahnenerbe gruppe who had who searched the world looking for Nordic and Odinistic roots of ancient and modern cultures and later linked to human experimentation and eugenics.

    I don't make a habit of judging people, they can do what they like as long as they let others do the same, and I may have got completely the wrong end of the stick.

    I'm not terribly keen to become the "go to" guy for Nazi bling.

    That's probably an understatement.

    Is there a nice way to ask someone if they're a Nazi Occultist without offending them?

    Is there another more innocent meaning to these words I'm not aware of?

    Am I just getting my knickers in a twist and should I just accept the commission, along with the much needed cash, do the work and forget about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I think you're ok to ask what it references out of interest. You are perfectly entitled not to make something that goes against your principles.
    Not quite the same but in our little bottle shop I've refused to print custom labels that did not sit well with us (something that sounded anti-semitic).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I'm completely with Lydia on this one. If this is your business, you have to think about your reputation. It's quite amazing how fast gossip spreads!
    I've refused quite a few life cast commissions that fall outside my comfort zone - and I'm definitely not easily offended, but some folk are just

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Ebo Von Gaz View Post

    Is there a nice way to ask someone if they're a Nazi Occultist without offending them?
    I can't think of one, to be honest!

    But I'd not do it, not for any money. Being of jewish ancestry it would just be plain wrong.

    As an aside, I googled and Volk and Sippe seem to equate to kith and kin (except in reverse) and I've just written a chapter on that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Thanks, you're right, Ive asked him for his reference material, if there's some sort of explanation that removes the deep feeling of unease i have about accepting this commission then I'll rethink but it really doesn't sit well at the the moment. And even if there is a good reason why this guy wants to wear that the reputation I would get for making it would far outlast the financial gain.

    I'd rather be skint than assist in glorifying what they did.

    Bloody ethics.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Call me simple but could it not just translate to "family and clan".....or "kith and kin" in English? I gather it also does have some obscure nazi connections but I'm not sure if people would instantly recognise it as such, like for example a swastika or the SS lighting flashes? That would be a totally different matter. Or is this just me seeing the good in everyone? (actually, don't call me simple please ). Not sure how you could ask them to be honest, but I do see your hesitation at the possibility of becoming the place to go for stuff you really don't want to make....
    Why not say, during the course of conversation something like "I just want to make sure I've got the spelling absolutely right as I've never heard of these words before...they're really interesting, what do they mean then?" all nice an innocent, and then you can make up your mind depending on what they answer?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    It does translate as family and clan or tribe, but the only place I can find it used is within the framework of Nazi symbology, used to reference nobility and racial purity. I think it's supposed to be subtle, as the words are to be written in runic anyway so as to be worn for every day use without overtly obvious nazi references.

    I've had a really odd morning on the internet.

    But yes, I'll just have to ask him.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by LydiaNiz View Post
    You are perfectly entitled not to make something that goes against your principles.
    Yes, but in some cases I'd be cautious about stating why you're not making it - no time, not the sort of thing you're working towards, anything other than "it goes against my principles". A) It'll antagonise and b) you may not legally be able to refuse it on those grounds.

    Alternatively, put the price up so high that you can afford to assuage those principles.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Wish you luck with that and hope it doesn't relate to anything bad...especially as that would mean turning away business....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Thanks Steve.

    Peter I did think about putting the prices up to silly money for about three seconds but I would probably lose more in commissions off offended family and friends in the long run, plus the stuff the guys in the ahnenerbe institute did to people was absolutely horrble, I don't want to pander to someone's sick fantasy (apart from the one with Catherine Zeta Jones and the ice cream) and at the end of the day I can't buy a clean conscience no matter how much he pays me.

    I agree there's no need for me to be rude about it, there might be something deeply personal involved you never know. Maybe he'll even change his mind and buy some duck charms off me instead.


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